Welcome to Update!

Update is a club for everybody who loves computers, in Uppsala and the whole world. We do stuff with computers of all kinds, be it hardware, software, modern computers, historic computers, different architechtures, Unix/Linux, multiuser systems, programming and other things.

Our premises at Svartbäcksgatan 65 is where we tinker with computers from our collection, work on our own projects or just hang out.

We also arrange lectures and exhibitions, work on various projects, and we have a large collection of new and old computers, components, documentation and software.

2024-11-02, 19:00: Lecture: Drawing with sound – From drawing mushrooms on an oscilloscope towards driving a plotter by Herbert Lange (University of Gothenburg)

Location: Update's rooms at Svartbäcksgatan 65 and online in our online lecture room.

For quite some time, sound has been used to draw animations on oscilloscopes. That has even led to the creation of oscilloscope music, sounds created to both generate appealing visualisations while at the same time being musically pleasing. The basic idea is that sound can be represented using voltages which can be visualised on measuring equipment such as oscilloscopes. In my own project I want to explore if similar techniques can be used to drive a voltage-controlled plotter using a small TURTLE-like language.

Everything about Update and our activities is on Update's wiki (in Swedish).

If you want to donate hardware, books or other computer related things, please contact us.

If you want to become a member of Update, read more here!